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WHAT'S NEW - Archives
![]() September 2001 - August 2002
A/V Material Has Moved
With the popularity of our videos and CD's increasing and with the arrival soon of DVD's, the McKillop Library has moved the A/V Room to a new location on the first floor. Now situated in the Northwest alcove of what formerly housed serials, the new location allows a more orderly display and room for expansion.
Fall 2002 Workshops
Interfaces to Ebscohost, Lexis-Nexis and Imp Email have changed. Get up to speed quickly by signing up now for library workshops. Offered are workshops on
EBSCOhost, the HELIN catalog, IMP Email, Interlibrary Loan, and Internet searching.
3/4/02 3/1/02 The library's electronic resources has expanded by the improvement to the electronic classroom, electronic document delivery, and electronic databases and journals. Christine Bagley has become the library's educational curriculum librarian. Read all about in the newsletter.
1/21/02 Sign up now for library workshops to
better your information literacy skills! Offered are workshops on
EBSCOhost, the HELIN catalog, IMP Email, Interlibrary Loan, and the Internet.
10/10/01 Here are some links to good sources on the Terrorists' Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. The first link is a guided search through all of Lexis-Nexis' databases. You can only search our subscribed database, Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe. Click here to start!
The second link is a research and reference page of links to primary sources. This page is compiled by librarian Gary Price and is recommended by the reference department. Click here to start!
The following are links to News sites on the WWW that offer native reporting and contrasting perspectives. (Remember standards of accuracy vary widely.)
Through our membership in HELIN, we have acquired additional electronic databases, and
enhanced the value of some existing databases by adding full-text content. The library
has switched our major periodical database from Bell & Howell's ProQuest to EBSCOhost
Academic Search Premier, which provides full-text online for nearly 3,200 scholarly
publications. In addition, our major business database has been switched from ABI Inform
to EBSCOhost's Business Source Elite.
New or enhanced electronic databases have been added in the following areas:
contemporary facts and issues (CQ Researcher, Facts.com), economics (EconLit),
education (ERIC), history (World History FullText), international relations (CIAO),
nursing (CINAHL, MEDLINEplus), literature (Magill On Literature), psychology
(PsycINFO), and sociology (Sociological Abstracts).
The library has also increased the number of its full-text subscriptions to electronic
journals through Project Muse, JSTOR, EBSCOOnline, and the American Chemical
For more information or to search electronic databases and journals, go to
Send comments or questions to Olga Verbeek, Library Webmaster, at verbeeko@salve.edu.