WHAT'S NEW - Archives

January 2003 - June 2003
Summer Reading
Come to the library to stock up on your summer entertainment! This summer in the browsing area, we carry the New york Times' Bestsellers and other popular titles. This area also has many more casual magazines for your reading pleasure. We have a video collection
that includes classics from the motion picture industry. We also are carrying titles in DVD format. The Curriculum Resource Center on the third floor has a wide choice of children's
literature. Other collections are books
on tape to listen to in your car, and for the academi a new book listing
by title and subject area of all materials in the library.
Resource Guide to First Year Library Orientation
"Welcome! You told your parents that you'd spend some time at the
library. We're here to help you make the most of that time. We've even made a special webpage to get you started!"
On this page
you'll find an online tour, some highlights of what we have to offer, a
reminder that your Salve Card is important everywhere you go on
campus, including the library, and an introduction to the friendliest library staff who will be only too glad to help you at the library. Come and visit the Library!
Internet Links to Multicultural Resources
As part of the university's initiative on "Diversity at Salve Regina University," the library has gathered together Internet Links to a selected list of Multicultural Resources. The list has sites such as the "Global Diversity Search Engine," which is a searchable database of diversity specific information from nonprofit organizations, universities, and government agencies. The list includes on-line museums and exhibitions on ethnic groups such as the Library of Congress' "African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship."
The library has lists of selected Internet links to many subjects. These links can be found on our Research page under Subject Specific Internet Links.
New Databases - May 2003
| Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition)
This online database from ProQuest offers full-text from 1984 to the present. The database is searchable and has a self-help guide to use it. See the library's complete availability of the Wall Street Journal.
Sanborn Maps - Digital 1867-1970 Large-scale maps of towns and cities in Rhode Island. In electronic form users have the ability to easily manipulate the maps, magnify and zoom in on specific sections, and layer maps from different years. The library also carries the Newport maps in microfilm. Check the HELIN online catalog.
Library User Survey 2003!
Please help the library in the process of assessment of its resources and services. This year's survey has a new look as we ask about the status of our services and resources today and also ask what your priority is for the improvement of the same services and resources. Please take the time to fill out the survey.
--- Thank you for your participation.
Booklists - Tailored for you!
The library has provided searchable special lists to quickly meet your needs. These lists are all located on our Catalogs page. We
carry:- Bestsellers and popular titles including the New York Times bestseller titles. All are located on the library's first floor browsing area.
- Video collection
that includes best foreign films and classics from the motion picture industry. The videos are located on the library's first floor
- Curriculum Resource Center booklist of the most recent month's new books. The Curriculum Resource Center is located on the library's third floor.
- Books
on Tape, classical literature, unabridged and narrated by the best. These are located on the library's first floor.
- Whitaker Music Collection, a large collection of classical, jazz and contemporary music on 33.3 rpm long play records. This collection is located in the Music Department in Celia Hall. There are some restrictions on borrowing from this collection.
- New Books!, a bi-monthly listing of the library's latest acquisitions of books and all other materials. One can subscribe to this list for email notification.
How to acquire items that are currently checked out
What do you do if the item you need/want is currently checked out to another patron and isn't due back for some time?
All library patrons should be aware that they do have options available to them if the item that they need is currently checked out.
1. Make a request or place a hold for the same item from another HELIN
2. Request the item through Inter-Library Loan.
3. Place a Recall on the item through the Circulation Supervisor at (401) 341-2291.
A Bibliography of Resources Pertaining to the Social History of Aquidneck Island
McKillop Library has collaborated with other interested parties to create a search interface for this resource. The search interface consists of keyword and boolean searching with limiters to specific subject areas, historical periods, and reading levels. The bibliographic database is intended as a guide to the resources available pertaining to the social history of Aquidneck Island for teachers from
Kindergarten to 12th grade, and other interested parties. All materials identified in this bibliography have been located in repositories on Aquidneck Island. This terrific resource was compiled by Noreen Caroll. Search the bibliography.
Spring Workshops 2003
Interfaces to Ebscohost, Lexis-Nexis and Imp Email have changed. The HELIN collection has increased in size to include Brown's collection in a new catalog InRhode. Get up to speed quickly by signing up now for library workshops. Offered are workshops on EBSCOhost, the HELIN and InRhode catalogs, IMP Email, Interlibrary Loan, and Internet searching and evalutaion.
Arts and Science II Collection from JSTOR
Recently JSTOR released 47 new journals, the fourth and final group of journals in the
JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection. There are now 122 Arts & Sciences II titles available
to participants in this collection. The Arts & Sciences II Collection is a multi-disciplinary
collection containing journals and disciplines that complement those in the Arts & Sciences
I Collection. The collection includes titles in existing JSTOR disciplines such as History,
Economics, and Asian Studies, as well as core titles in additional disciplines, such as
Classics and Archaeology. A
complete list of titles in the Arts & Science II Collection is available at https://www.jstor.org/about/asii_content.html.