NEW - Archives

July 2003 - June 2004
Ebooks in the Library
AskHELIN - Live Online Reference!
Forget Jeeves!
Can't find the answer on the World Wide Web? Can't locate sources for your research paper? Need a librarian in a hurry?
is your answer - a virtual reference service offered by the HELIN Library Consortium. Building on HELIN's long tradition of collaboration and resource sharing, librarians at eight of the HELIN libraries are offering the Rhode Island academic community real-time, online, reference. Faculty, students, and staff at any of the HELIN universities and colleges may ask questions via the Internet and a librarian will be available to answer instantly.
Extended Hours in April: TILL 12:00 MIDNIGHT
On Display -- Alternative Health and Midwifery

This month the displays in the lobby concentrate on learning tools available on two aspects of Alternative Medicine: Alternative Health and Midwifery.
Some sites to visit:
Women's History Month
Click to view large In celebration of Women's History Month there is a display in the library's foyer on Women's Suffrage. The books on display may be borrowed.
Sites worth browsing are: -- Library of Congress's American Memory Campaign for Woman Suffrage in the United States
-- PBS's International Women's Sufferage
-- National Education Association's March 8th: History of International Women�s Day and Women's History Month
McKillop Library Newsbrief
View the latest issue. In this issue information is provided on the following topics:
- New Library Hours
- Desktop Delivery of Articles
- SRU Yearbooks in Special Collection
- Forget Jeeves! - AskHelin!
- Workshops:
Newport/Salve History & Culture
- New Capabilities for E-Reserves
- EBSCOhost:
Academic Search Premier Expands
New Databases
- RefWorks
- EBSCOhost:
One can also subscribe to the Newsbrief and receive automatic e-mail delivery of each issue.
Black History Month
Click to view large In celebration of Black History Month there is a display in the library's foyer on the Harlem Renaissance. The books on display may be borrowed. Here are two great sites: Harlem 1900-1940, An African-American Community and Perspectives in American Literature -
Chapter 9: Harlem Renaissance, 1919-1937
The Curriculum Resource Center also has a display on famous African-Americans.
New Library Hours
The library will be staying open an hour later each day.
Sunday | Noon - 1:00 a.m. |
Monday-Thursday | 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. |
Friday | 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Saturday | 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
The library's hours are posted at the bottom of the home page.
National Book Award Winners
The library has many displays, among them a selection of National Book Award Winners. Also currently on display is a Kwanzaa and Hanukkah display in the foyer, memorabilia from the Governor's Ball, a Salve Christmas card and
Candlelight ceremony displays. The library also has English Guild selections, National Hospice Month selections on display.
In the Curriculum Resource Center on the third floor are displays on multicultural holidays and on winter animals.
Take a look the next time you visit the library.
International Education Week 2003
International Education Week (IEW) is the result of a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of State to promote international awareness and international education skills. The IEW web site has a library with links about various aspects of international education incentive.
Here at McKillop Library we have put together two displays. One display on the first floor contains material pertaining to international education. The other display on the third floor features multicultural educational material that can be used in K-12 curricula.
Mission Quite Possible
All sections of the New Student Seminar coming over to the library for a Mission Quite Possible. The students will follow clues on the trail of a Peep called Wanda. They will discover the variety of materials and resources the library has to offer as they go from clue to clue and answer questions on what they find. For more information on the treasure hunt and other resources for new students, please see our webpage for First Year Students.
Sisters of Mercy in Salve Heritage
Around campus in the various buildings, you will find portraits of some of the Sisters of Mercy. View the sisters in Salve Heritage. Salve Heritage will provide public web access to the University Archive. This is part of a larger project of the McKillop Library and the University Archive that is focusing on digitization and web access to the University's archives.
Bibliography on Newport and Salve History and Culture
This bibliography has been created as an aid to research for the New Student Seminar GST 112 class project. All materials listed are part of the McKillop Library collection. The list includes books, videos, newspapers, and journals. Also included are website addresses of local organizations that contain information that may be useful.
is an online bibliographic management program that allows you to create your own
personal database of references.
RefWorks allows you to�
import references from a
search performed in an online database, such as
HELIN, Academic Search Premier, First Search,
SilverPlatter et al., or enter references manually.
Organize and create a personal database online
� no more index cards to write out and organize. Everything is done
automatically as you import the reference into RefWorks.
Format bibliographies and manuscripts in
seconds for papers and bibliographies in a variety of output styles,
including APA, MLA, Turabian and Chicago.
and more ...
What in it For Faculty?
The Library has a lot of information to help you in your teaching and research. Here are some of the resources the library is providing:
Your own faculty page, accessible from the library's home page (right column).
Resources on plagiarism.
Desktop delivery of the McKillop's Newsbrief, a special electronic newsletter to help keep you up to date of what is happening in the library.
Desktop delivery of the library's latest acquisitions. This list is browseable by subject area, by author, and title.
Online form for putting material on library reserves. One of many online forms to help in your communications with the library.
RefWorks, an online bibliographic management program that allows you to create your own
personal database of references.
Scheduling an instruction session for your class, or for yourself.
And read ... The Library: What's In It For Faculty?
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