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WHAT'S NEW - Archives
![]() Before September 2000 8/16/00 Professors can now place materials on electronic reserves. Students can access these materials online from any computer by following the links for Course Reserves. To gain access to the material students will need to enter their name and library barcode located at the bottom of the Salve Card. 6/1/00 This new online encyclopedia of science and technology from McGraw-Hill
is the first place to go on the Internet to start your research into
science & technology.
Read the Spring 2000 issue online or pick up a copy in the library. It is filled with new improved services at the library and lots of "how to" information for the user.
The Library has recently subscribed to a book lease program known as the McNaughton Plan. A collection of 200 popular fiction and non-fiction titles should be in place by the end of February. Look for Tom Clancy, Stephen King, Scott Turow, J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter, and others, as these new books "visit" the Library for a limited period of time. The plan gives us all an opportunity to have bestsellers and popular books available. Most of the books will rotate into and out of the collection on a timetable of six months to a year. The library has the option to purchase those books which we wish to permanently keep in our collection. The books will be located on the first floor of the library in the "New Book" area to the left of the circulation desk. They will be identified by a distinctive label and will circulate for 4 weeks. ENJOY! By Joan Bartram, Collection Development
Sign up now for one-hour workshops to better your information literacy skills!
A user survey is being conducted as part of the university-wide self-study process. Your answers will help to assess and improve library and university computer lab resources and services.
AltHealth Watch
Today, McKillop Library will be participating fully in the HELIN Catalog. Search for your needs in the entire HELIN collection. Place requests for items that you need. Check your library record for the progress of your requested items. Pick up your items at your most convenient HELIN libray. The HELIN Catalog has many more features, such as direct searches of other databases and featured lists. Learn more about all the features of the HELIN Catalog in a half-hour workshop offered by our reference department.
Social Works Abstracts
NASW Clinical Register 1999 10th ed.
PsycINFO contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations, all in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law. PsycINFO is also available off-campus for students, faculty, and staff.
The library will be closed from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 20, 1999 during Convocation.
This fall the library is offering one-hour workshops in using the Internet to do research, both the PINE and the new web-based email, and the library's new general academic and business database, Proquest. Click here for this Fall's schedule.
The library has added Bell & Howell's Proquest as our comprehensive database providing access to articles from over 1900 journals and newspapers. Proquest combines its academic Research Library coverage with its premier business and management database, ABI/Inform, to offer access to high quality, professional materials through an easy to use interface. Select Proquest to begin your search for articles on art, education, health, humanities, law, psychology, sciences and social sciences as well as coverage of information on advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers and more. There is also information on over 60,000 companies. Many articles are full text with graphics. A full image feature retrieves articles as they actually appear in the journal. Proquest also provides Providence Journal Direct which provides full text articles from the Providence Journal archives. Access three literature resources with a single
search. You can simultaneously search Contemporary Authors,
Contemporary Literary Criticism Select (CLC Select) and
Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB), that provides in-depth
information on the lives and writings of nearly 100,000 authors along
with critical reaction to their works. This series includes integrated
indexes to both the DLB and CLC print series.
The McKillop Library has become a member of the Higher Education Library Information Network (HELIN). In addition to Salve Regina University, six academic libraries in Rhode Island belong to this consortium: Providence College, Rhode Island College, Roger Williams University, University of Rhode Island, Community College of Rhode Island and Johnson & Wales University. HELIN libraries share an automated library system that includes an online catalog as well as access to a number of electronic databases.
Ms. Kathleen Boyd is the new Director of Library Services. Ms. Boyd comes from Boston College where she was the Associate University Librarian for Administrative Systems Services. Ms. Boyd holds a B.A. in Psychology from Emmanuel College, M.S. in Library Science from Simmons College and M.ED in Counseling Psychology from Boston College.
The library's web pages are changing. Check out the new pages. The pages are still under construction. We appreciate any comments. Email Olga Verbeek at verbeeko@salve.edu
Need to do a critical review on a book, short story, poem, or author? Here is a subject guide to help you find the resources in the library that will provide you the materials. The library has many more subject guides available to help you in your research.
Here is another subject guide to help you find the resources in the library that will provide you with information on a company. The library has many more subject guides available to help you in your research.
The library has acquired the Masterplots CD-ROM. This CD-ROM contains the content of its printed counterpart. The CD-ROM provides
The library has a new web server. The web server computer is a DELL personal computer running the Linux operating system and the Apache web server. This server will serve the library's web pages to your computer faster than ever.
Come celebrate Black History Month with a visit to the Library. On display are depictions from Harper's Weekly Magazine from 1856 to 1890, prominent African-American authors and more... McKillop Library is currently undertaking a Fall 1998 Library User Survey. There are three different forms: green sheet for Salve faculty, blue form for Salve students, and yellow one for visitors. Your input is essential to us in providing you with better library service. Please pick up a form at the circulation desk, fill it out, and return it to us. Thank you for your participation. 10/1/98 Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe A new full-text online database has been added at the McKillop Library and is available to the Salve community. Academic Universe from Lexis-Nexis is a news, law, and business information ser vice. The full-text database includes up to date news; company and industry news from newspapers, trade journals, and other periodicals; company financial information from Disclosure, Standard & Poor's, and Hoover's; archival SEC filings; and accounting, auditing, and tax literature. The database is updated daily. 8/27/98 Associations Unlimited - Discontinued 5/99 McKillop Library recently added Associations Unlimited to its online databases available to the Salve community as a research tool. It contains information for approximately 144,000 international and U.S. national, regional, state, and local nonprofit organizations in all fields. It features full contact information, description, SIC codes, meetings, publications infomation, and more. 8/5/98De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors This page, run by Dr. Michael DiMaio, is an online encyclopedia of the rulers of Rome. This site allows its users to retrieve short biographical essays of all the Roman emperors from the accession of the Emperor Augustus to the death of the Emperor Constantine XI Palaeologus. Each essay on this site, which is peer reviewed, is written by a scholar and is accompanied by a bibliography, illustrations, and footnotes. |
Send comments or questions to Olga Verbeek, Library Webmaster, at verbeeko@salve.edu.
Revised: June, 2001