By popular demand, McKillop Library hours have been extended to 1:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, and until 6:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
Library's Regular Hours
Sunday | Noon - 1:00 a.m. |
Monday-Thursday | 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. |
Friday | 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Saturday | 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Please check the library website for any variations in regular hours at
The circulation department now has the ability to put audio files, images, and PowerPoint presentations on e-reserve, in addition to Adobe Acrobat PDF files. Last semester, a series of study slides for Dr. Catherine Zipf's Architectural History of Newport class was placed on electronic reserve. These may be viewed using PowerPoint, and, for those not having this program, we have also converted the PowerPoint presentation to Adobe Acrobat, which is available through a free download.
We look forward to the opportunity to try out our audio and visual file capabilities. We are currently working with the Information Technology department to investigate placing videos on electronic reserve. If you would like to put any files on reserve for a class, please fill out a reserve form, and bring a CD or floppy disk of the material to the circulation desk. If the material is under 1 MB, it can be emailed to
Did you know that when you place an interlibrary loan request for a journal article, it can arrive in your e-mail? The library now has a system that allows PDF-formatted articles to be sent directly to your desktop. You can receive your full-text article at home or your office, as long as you have internet access and the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.
Currently this system works most effectively if you use Microsoft Outlook when using your Salve e-mail account and is compatible with most e-mail systems, except for IMP. If you have any questions regarding this service, or any other interlibrary loan question, please email or call Laura Kohl at or 341-2379.
As of January 1, 2004, Academic Search Premier went over the 4,000 mark for full-text journal content. Library patrons now have access to 436 more journals and magazines bringing the total to 4,406 full text serials. This is just through one database! Library users have access to thousands of other full-text journals through the many other databases the McKillop Library subscribes to. Check out EBSCO Academic Search Premier and a list of the Library's A-Z Databases.
The McKillop Library also has obtained two new EBSCO databases. The American Humanities Index (AHI) is a collection of bibliographic references to literary, scholarly and creative journals published in the United States and Canada. The database covers over 700 journals published from 1975 to the present. AHI provides citation information for articles, essays and reviews, as well as original creative works including poems and fiction. Photographs, paintings and illustrations are also referenced.
Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC) covers areas related to communication and mass media. CMMC offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for over 300 journals, and selected coverage of over 100 more, for a combined coverage of over 400 titles. Furthermore, this database includes full text for nearly 200 journals. Many major journals have indexing, abstracts, PDF files and searchable citations from their first issues to the present (dating as far back as 1915).
A set of Salve Regina Yearbooks is now available in the Special Collections Room through the courtesy of the University Archives. The yearbooks, although missing a few years, go back to the founding of the institution. They may be viewed in the Special Collections Room by asking at the Circulation or the Reference Desk.
Can't find the answer on the World Wide Web? Can't locate sources for your research paper? Need a librarian in a hurry?
is your answer.
is a virtual reference service offered by the HELIN Library Consortium. Building on HELIN's long tradition of collaboration and resource sharing, librarians at eight of the HELIN libraries are offering the Rhode Island academic community real-time, online, reference assistance. Faculty, students, and staff at any of the HELIN universities and colleges may ask questions via the Internet and a librarian will be available to answer instantly. To learn more about this new service, please see the frequently asked questions below.
Log on to this virtual reference by clicking on the
icon located on the library web site. Follow the instructions provided and get an instantaneous answer to your question!
Q. What is AskHELIN?
A. AskHELIN is a chat-based service where a HELIN librarian will help you live online. Ask us a question and then follow along (co-browse) as reference librarians use special software to guide you with your research or help you locate quick factual information.
Q. What does co-browse mean?
A. It means that you and the librarian can collaboratively browse web sites and web-accessible databases in real-time. Both you and the librarian will be able to view the same web sites and can search a database jointly.
Q. When is AskHELIN available?
A. Hours of service are Sunday through Thursday, 3:00 - 10:00 p.m. (EST)
Q. Do I need special software to use this service?
A. No, no special software is required. Users should log on to the service using a web browser, Netscape or Internet Explorer 4.0 and above is required. Mac users should use Internet Explorer 5.0.
Q. What types of questions will you answer?
A. We will identify appropriate resources and databases for your research need and guide you in their use; help you use HELIN; provide guidance on researching a topic; and answer quick factual questions.
RefWorks is an online bibliographic management program that allows you to create your own personal database of references. As a web-based product, RefWorks is available to users across various platforms including Windows, Mac, UNIX, etc.
RefWorks allows you to ...
Import references from a search performed in an online database, such as HELIN, EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier, First Search, SilverPlatter et al., or enter references manually.
Organize and create a personal database online - no more index cards to write out and organize. Everything is done automatically as you import the reference into RefWorks.
Format bibliographies and manuscripts in seconds for papers and bibliographies in a variety of output styles, including APA, MLA, Turabian and Chicago.
To find out more about RefWorks, attend one of the information sessions listed below.
Newport/Salve History and Culture
This workshop is specifically designed to help new students in the GST 112 New Student Seminars with their research for the Newport/Salve History and Culture assignment. Let us show you how to find the materials you need.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004 Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Tuesday, February 17, 2004 Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Wednesday, March 17, 2004 Time: 2:00 - 2:50
This is an online bibliographic management program that allows you to create your own personal database of references. This workshop is helpful for creating quick and easy bibliographies by importing citations from online sources.
Monday, February 23, 2004 Time: 3:00 - 3:50
Monday, March 22, 2004 Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Monday, April 5, 2004 Time: 3:00 - 3:50
All workshops will be held in the Electronic Classroom (Room 106)--1st Floor McKillop Library.
To Register: Sign up at the Reference Desk in the Library or call (401) 341-2289. You may also register by sending email to Laura Kohl at Include your name, and the workshops you intend to attend in your email message.
The purpose of this brief newsletter is to inform Salve Regina University faculty and staff of new additions and improvements to McKillop Library services and resources. As always, please check the McKillop Library website for the most current information.