The University's Multicultural Committee, chaired by Sr. Leona Misto, recently selected the following videos to assist in broadening our understanding on issues of diversity here on campus. The titles selected are:
The McKillop Library has wireless laptops available to lend to students and faculty. They are available on a first come, first serve basis for two hours at a time within the library. Available programs include Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, Internet Explorer 6.0, Winzip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, RealOne Player, MS Windows Media, and Quicktime Player.
Laptops can be checked out at the Circulation Desk.
A Salve ID Card is required.
 | The McKillop Library announces the addition of the Criterion DVD Collection to the library. The Criterion Collection consists of over two hundred classic and contemporary films selected from all over the world ranging in time from the silent film era to the last decade. The collection includes the works of such film masters as Godard, Fellini, Bergman, Hitchcock, Kubrick, Lang, Ozu, and many others. Each film is uncut, "in its original aspect ratio, as its maker intended it to be seen." Working with the best copy of the print available the editors produce a definitive edition of a film often with additional materials to enhance the viewing experience. The DVD's are listed in the library catalog and are located in the Media Collection of the first floor of the library. All visual materials circulate for one week. The library will add additional titles from the series as they become available. Visit the Criterion Collection website for more information. View McKillop Library's complete list of videos and DVDs.

When you can't come to the library, research help is available to you on the internet! Simply click on the Ask HELIN icon on the McKillop Library homepage!
AskHELIN is a virtual reference service offered by the HELIN Library Consortium. Building on HELIN's long tradition of collaboration and resource sharing, librarians at eight of the HELIN libraries are offering the Rhode Island academic community real-time, online reference. Faculty, students, and staff at any of the HELIN universities and colleges may ask questions via the Internet and a librarian will be available to answer instantly.
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded a five-year, $34.6 million contract to Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) of Rockville, Md., along with its subcontractors, to develop and operate a new database system for the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). The ERIC database will use the latest search and retrieval methods to cull education literature and give high-quality access to educators, researchers, and the general public.
The ERIC database is the world's largest education database. Begun in 1966, it is composed of more than one million bibliographic records. The goal of the new ERIC is to provide more education materials quicker, and more directly, to audiences through the Internet. With the new ERIC, individuals will be able to go to one Web site to search a comprehensive database of journal articles and document abstracts and descriptions and, for the first time, directly access full text. The database will include as much free full text as possible, and links will be provided to commercial sources so that individuals can purchase journal articles and other full text immediately. Additional information on the changes to ERIC can be found at the U.S. Department of Education press release of Mar. 18, 2002.
ERIC can be accessed through EBSCOhost from the McKillop Library's A-Z database list and click on the letter E.
EBSCOhost allows you to create an alert notification via e-mail each time a new issue for a selected title is made available in a specific database. After logging into My EBSCOhost this feature is available from the Publication Overview Screen for the selected title. EBSCOhost will automatically send an e-mail with an updated list of article titles available for that specific journal, to those e-mail recipients specified in the alert. For more information on creating Journal Alerts, please refer to the My EBSCOhost User Guide. McKillop Library Reference librarians can also assist you with setting up this feature.
The McKillop Library has subscribed to the following journals and magazines. In most cases the most recent issue for these titles is now available in the Current Periodicals Area.
Biblical Archaeology Review
Business 2.0
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
FDA Consumer
The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics
Interpretation: A Journal of Bible & Theology
Journal of Advertising
Journal of American History
Journal of Biblical Literature
Marketing News
New Theology Review: An American Catholic Journal
OAH Newsletter
School Library Journal
Science & Spirit
Skeptical Inquirer
Teaching Theology & Religion
Thomas Hardy Society Journal
The Way
New Arrivals: Feb. and Mar. 2004
Wilson Biographies Plus Illustrated
One of the new databases that the McKillop Library has subscribed to is a biographical source. Now you can get all the information you need on the backgrounds of famous and important figures from one place! Wilson Biographies Plus Illustrated contains more than 111,000 biographies and obituaries and more than 32,000 photographs of the subjects. Many of the biographies are enhanced with full text, abstracts, and citations from H. W. Wilson databases. The biographies are searchable by name, profession, title, place of origin, gender, race/ethnicity, titles of works, date of birth, date of death, keyword, and presence of images. You can reach Wilson Biography Plus from the library's A to Z database list by clicking W.
Also check out XReferPlus a collection of online reference works. XReferPlus consists of 100 reference e-books in numerous subject areas. By logging into the database you can search the content of 100 e-books with one search. XReferPlus will return results of your search from every e-book that has a matching term to your search. You can reach XReferPlus from the library's A to Z database list by clicking X.
The purpose of this brief newsletter is to inform Salve Regina University faculty and staff of new additions and improvements to McKillop Library services and resources. As always, please check the McKillop Library website for the most current information.