The McKillop Library opened in 1991, several years before the widespread changes brought about by the adoption of internet-based communication and information technologies. At that time, library services supported a growing collection of books and other tangible items such as journals, A/V materials and microforms. The library materials budget has now reached the point where the purchase of information resources in electronic format equals that spent on physical items.
Dr. Dean de la Motte, Salve's new Vice President for Academic Affairs, has recently formed an ad hoc academic committee to discuss how evolving student learning styles and ways of accessing information might demand different, and multiple, approaches to the configuration of teaching and learning spaces in the library building. Representatives from Salve's faculty, staff, and student populations have been selected to meet regularly beginning this month, to work together to make recommendations to create a holistic learning atmosphere in the library building that brings together academic support services and spaces to best meet the educational needs of the "Net Generation". It will be an exciting conversation.
by Joan Bartram
Maria Bernier joined Salve Regina as the new University Archivist on September 14. She comes to the University from Mystic Seaport Museum where she held various positions.
Maria migrated from Dallas, Texas to New England to attend Amherst College. At Amherst she majored in English and History and spent part of her junior year as a member of the Williams-Mystic Maritime Studies Program, a cooperation between Williams College and Mystic Seaport. Research on ships that had belonged to her great -great grandfather was her introduction to archival research and Mystic Seaport.
After a period of several years in non-professional positions at Mystic, Maria left to attend the Archival Management program at Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science. After receiving her MLS she returned to Mystic Seaport first as the digital imaging supervisor for a major grant funded project and finally as the Ships Plans Librarian.
The move to a University Archive presents new challenges to Maria as she moves from being the keeper of a highly specialized collection to meeting the needs of the University community in a new environment with new professional challenges.
Maria is a resident of Westerly who spends her free time taking care of a large yard and garden.
The University Archives and Archivist are located on the Third floor of the McKillop Library in room 304. The Archives are available to members of the University Community by appointment. Please call 341-2276 or contact
by Christine Bagley
Over the years, Salve Regina University has been the fortunate recipient of large collections of historically significant children's literature from all over the world. The McKillop Library has now designated a special area adjacent to The Janet L. Robinson Curriculum Resource Center on the second floor to house a collection of classical children's literature. This is an important collection of historical merit, as well as many out-of-print titles.
Older reference tools that can be used to provide information on the authors and illustrators of this collection will also be located here. The items in "Salve Classic Children Collection " will continue to be available for circulation. This month, over one hundred and fifty titles are being moved from the Curriculum Library shelves to the "Salve Classic Children Collection " section. These books were all recipients of the Newbery Award/Honor or the Caldecott Award/Honor in the years up to and including 1950. This shift is part of an ongoing effort to create easier access to large subdivisions of curriculum materials and to provide more space on the regular CRC shelves for hands-on educational materials and current juvenile literature. For more information contact
by Cathy Rowe
There is a new look to the online library catalog. With more advanced search functions and updated graphics, the new catalog enhances access to the materials available here at the McKillop Library and at the other HELIN libraries.
One new feature in the advanced search allows you to do a keyword search in a title or other field. So, if you remember that the title had the word "geisha" in it, you can search for all titles that contain that word and you are sure to see your title if it is in the catalog. We'd love to hear your feedback to the new look and functions of the catalog. Comments and suggestions on the new catalog can be sent to

by Elsa Rowe
Our busy library receives new books, journals, DVDs and other materials everyday. The Technical Services Department works hard to buy, catalog and process these materials so that they are available as quickly as possible. With so many new things coming in each day, we wanted the chance to shine the spotlight on some of our new purchases before they take up permanent residence in the stacks. Thus, the Just Arrived cart was created!
On Monday mornings, I select the books that I found to be the most interesting acquisitions of the week. They are just a sample of new books across multiple subjects, including some books that are just for fun. They are ready for reading, so if you see one you'd like, just pick it up and check it out!
The cart is located on the first floor of the library in the Browsing Area (to the left if you are facing the Circulation Desk). For a longer list of new arrivals, go to the library website and click on New Arrivals.
by Dawn Emsellem
The entire class of 2010 is coming to the McKillop Library! They're coming to fill out an online questionnaire about themselves. This questionnaire, called "yourspace @ McKillop Library," is part of their New Student Seminar class. While they answer questions about themselves, they'll be learning about all the fantastic resources the library has to offer, including e-reserves, electronic journals, e-books, regular books, DVDs, and, of course, friendly librarians.

by Joe Foley
The McKillop Library now offers the option for "video-on-demand" to faculty members who want to put DVDs or videos on e-reserve (keep in mind that there's a turnaround time of five business days to digitize the video and place it on reserve). The video is available through e-reserves, which means that students can access it twenty-four/seven, anywhere they have an internet connection. This also means that students don't have to wait in line to view single copies of videos and DVDs. Call the Circulation desk at x2291 and ask about Video-On-Demand today! Fill In: Place Material on Reserves
The Newport Public Library's book festival has expanded this year to two days, and is co-sponsored by The Redwood Library and Salve Regina's McKillop Library. On Saturday, October 21, beginning at 11 a.m., at the Newport Public Library, the newly named "Newport Festival of Authors" will present featured speakers Vincent O'Neil, Janet Taylor Lisle, Kelly Easton, poet Charles Coe, and a panel of authors from the Sisters in Crime collaborative on "Promoting Your Book". On Sunday, October 22, beginning at 1:30 the Redwood Library, the festival continues with guest authors Susan Allport, Frank Schaeffer, and a contingent of writers representing the literary community in our area, discussing "Writing on the Island".
Judy Crosby from Island Books in Middletown will supply copies of the author's books for sale in the library's Spring St. lobby, at Newport Public Library on Saturday. At the Redwood Library books for that day's speakers and the new literary anthology/journal "Balancing the Tides" will be available for purchase. Authors will be available to sign books after their individual presentations.
The Newport Public Library will also hold two special book discussions on Saturday, September 30 and Saturday, October 14 from 10:30-12 noon, in connection with the festival. On September 30 the book chosen for discussion is Black Duck, Janet Taylor Lisle's fiction book about rum-running days in Rhode Island. On October 14 the discussion will be about Frank Schaeffer's newest book, Baby Jack. The public is invited to attend the book discussions, and any of the events.
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by Allen Antone
Did you study a language in high school or college, but have forgotten everything and would like to start again? Would you like to learn a new language for personal enrichment, for travel opportunities, or for strengthening ties to family or friends? There are so many reasons to learn a language. Essentially language opens doors to a new culture and new experiences.
The library has just acquired Living Languages self-instruction courses for Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian at beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Living Language courses were originally developed by U.S. government experts for overseas bound service personnel and diplomats. Living Language kits include sound recordings, dictionaries, phrasebooks and self-instruction course books.


by John Lewis
The McKillop Library has subscribed to a variety of new databases for the Fall 2006 semester.
On the EBSCOhost platform are two new databases:
- Literary Reference Center is a full text database that includes more than 10,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, 75,000 articles of literary criticism, 130,000 author biographies, full text of over 300 literary journals, 500,000 book reviews, 25,000 classic and contemporary poems, 11,000 classic and contemporary short stories, full text of over 7,500 classic novels, 3,000 author interviews, and over 1,000 images of key literary figures.
- International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance contains full text for over 100 titles, including Canadian Theatre Review, Dance Chronicle, Dance Teacher, Modern Drama, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, Research in Dance Education, Research in Drama Education, Studies in Theatre and Performance, TDR: The Drama Review, Theater, and many more.
From Alexander Street Press the library has subscribed to two databases:
- Oral History Online provides detailed indexing of oral history collections, repositories, and narratives, along with links to full text, audio, and video where available.
- Smithsonian Global Sound includes an extraordinary array of more than 35,000 individual tracks of music, spoken word, and natural and human-made sounds. Users can browse by musical instrument, geographic area, or cultural group.
NewsBank provides:
- Access World News a full-text information and perspectives from over 600 U.S. and over 700 international sources. Coverage includes the Newport Daily News from 2001 - Present.
Lastly from the American Council of Learned Societies comes:
- History E-Book Project an online, fully searchable collection of 1,400 high-quality books in the humanities, recommended and reviewed by scholars.
All of these new databases can be accessed from the New Database link on the McKillop Library home page at