The library has received a loan from Newport's historic Redwood Library of almost 2,000 books in the field of literary criticism. The books will remain at Salve at least until the renovation and expansion of the Redwood Library is complete. The strength of this collection is in books published between 1950-1970, a period when Salve's library collection was very small. The loan, however, does include some books from the 19th century as well as some from the 1980s. As soon as the books are cataloged, they will be interfiled with Salve's permanent literary collection.
For those of you who like to start studying late, the library is open until 1:00 AM Sundays through Thursdays. The week before and during exams, those hours are extended to 2:00 AM. Please check the library's hours, or call extension 2291, or check at the front desk for hour variations. Regular hours are Sunday through Thursday 8:30am -1:00am, Friday 8:30am -6:00pm, and Saturday 11: am - 6pm.
In an effort to expand our exhibit creativity and the learning forum that it provides, the library would like to extend an invitation to all faculty to share exhibit ideas. Do you have student projects you would like to share? Is there a particular topic of interest that you want others to learn about? The McKillop Library invites you to share our exhibit spaces.
Please feel free to contact the library and let us know what you have in mind. We would be glad to support any exhibit ideas with books and other materials the library may own. If you are interested in proposing a display please contact the Collection Development Coordinator, Joan Bartram at 341-2382.
Are you studying a foreign language; would you like to begin learning a language; do you enjoy keeping up with events in a foreign country; or are you simply interested in foreign travel? If so, check out the Library's Subject Guide to Modern Languages.
In addition to suggestions for databases that are best for finding articles or for the major internet sites in a field of study, this guide includes links to Major Newspapers of the World, sites for Learning Languages, Live Radio Broadcasts in Spanish and French, and Bilingual Dictionaries. For foreign language majors, there are also some Career Links.
Don't forget about the online librarians! There is a virtual reference desk available to all on Sunday through Thursday from 3:00pm to 10:00pm. If you cannot make it to the library but need some extra help, simply click on the Ask Helin link found on the library's homepage and a librarian will assist you with your research.
Ebrary is a growing collection of electronic books and other documents, including maps. At present, through the Academic Complete Collection, Salve Regina University patrons have access to 19,197 titles. Included in these titles is a collection of 1,050 historical and geopolitical maps of academic interest. More than 180 different academic publishers have contributed material to the collection, and most of the titles have been published within the last two years.
Ebrary includes a rich collection of titles in many subject areas, ranging from Business and Economics, Computers and Technology, Life and Physical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, to Law and General Reference, that are not available in any other collection. Ebrary can be accessed from the McKillop Library website from the E-Boooks page.
Additional information on other newly-acquired library databases is linked from the library's homepage under New Databases.
The McKillop Library has purchased the first completely revised and updated version of this acclaimed set in 30 years. Some reviewers call Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia the best reference work on animals ever published. Others call it the legacy left to us by famed zoologist and animal lover, Bernhard Grzimek. The new 17-vol. set is internationally renowned for its scientific reporting, coverage and illustrations, and serves as a major point of reference for researchers and students studying the animal kingdom. Thorough articles familiarize readers with animals found everywhere on the globe, detailing their life cycles, predators, food systems, overall ecology and much more. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, call number QL7 .G7813 2003, can be found on the new book cart in the Reference Area.
New Reference books are located on a cart outside Room 130 in the Reference Area.
Eight new titles have been added to the McKillop Library's JSTOR archive. As participants in the Arts & Sciences III Collection, Salve Regina University patrons will be able to access the new content immediately.
Asian Folklore Studies
(Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 1 - Vol. 57 (1942-1998)
Publisher: Asian Folklore Studies, Nanzan University
ISSN 0385-2342
Church History
(Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 1 - Vol. 67 (1932-1998)
Publisher: American Society of Church History
ISSN 0009-6407
Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research
(Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 1 - Vol. 18 (1983-2000)
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
ISSN 0264-2875
(Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 1 - Vol. 109 (1878-1998)
History of Religions
(Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 1 - Vol. 42, No. 2 (1961-2002)
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISSN 0018-2710
The Journal of Religion
(Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 1 - Vol. 83 (1882-2003)
Religion and American Culture
(Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 1 - Vol. 10 (1991-2000)
(Arts & Sciences III and Language & Literature Collections)
New Content: Vol. 1 - Vol. 28, No. 1 (1975-2002)
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISSN 0097-9740
Twenty-three JSTOR titles linked to recent content have also been updated.
The purpose of this brief newsletter is to inform Salve Regina University faculty and staff of new additions and improvements to McKillop Library services and resources. As always, please check the McKillop Library website for the most current information.