Gift Donations

Thank you for considering donating to McKillop Library.

The library will accept up to twenty-five (25) unsolicited books or DVDs that are delivered to the Circulation Desk of McKillop Library.

Any gift of more than twenty-five items for donation, please contact Nancy Barta-Norton, acquisitions & cataloging librarian at (401)341-2296 or via email at, who will be happy to discuss your potential donation.

Works of Art or Other Materials Intended for Display

McKillop Library has limited space for displaying works of art or other materials intended for display, such as award plaques, framed photographs, documents, etc. Display of such works is at the discretion of the library director. For that reason, gifts of materials intended for display should be discussed with the library director in advance of the donation, so that possible display spaces and time frames can be discussed in advance of the donation. If you are considering donating a work of art or other item intended for display, please contact the library director.

Donation Policies for McKillop Library
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