Information Literacy
- Information Literacy Statement
The mission of McKillop Library’s information literacy program is to teach Salve Regina University students to use information critically throughout their academic, professional, and personal lives. Our information literacy program creates opportunities for students to learn and practice finding, evaluating, and using information wisely and responsibly. In collaboration with faculty, we seek the most effective methods, resources, and tools to provide information literacy instruction in accordance with the Association of College and Research Libraries' best practices.
- What is information literacy?
Information literacy is the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively. The information literate student understanding of the process of seeking information in all its forms and formats.
an ability to analyze information for accuracy, authority and bias.
an ability to extract, manage and synthesize the information into a personal expression of ideas and values.
an understanding that there are legal and ethical issues where the intellectual property of others is concerned.
- Core skills of an information literate student include...
recognizing a need for information and defining the scope of the need.
creating an effective search strategy.
identifying relevant information resources for a certain topic.
locating and accessing information resources in multiple formats, including awareness of and skill in the use of library services and resources.
evaluating the information found.
properly citing the information and avoiding plagiarism.