Working Together for Student Learning
By Kathy Boyd, director of library services
Collaboration is a central component of the university’s developing strategic plan. One of the library’s goals is to strengthen partnerships between librarians and faculty to develop library instructional activities that will enhance the information literacy skills of our students. The longer-term goal is for all students to participate in a series of progressive research assignments throughout their four years that will provide them with the information literacy skills needed for lifelong learning and career success. In this newsletter, we’ve highlighted two sample collaborations that have been successful for students, faculty, and librarians. We hope to work with you to reach the goal of increasing information literacy for all Salve students; please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss ways to integrate information literacy instruction into your courses.
Faculty/Librarian Collaborations
New approaches to improving students’ research skills
University libraries across the US are experimenting with new approaches to improving students’ ability to navigate the explosion of information resources available to them. One approach for promoting information literacy skills is to “embed” a librarian in a classroom, so that the librarian offers several short instruction sessions to the class over the course of a semester. At Salve, librarian Dawn Emsellem has collaborated with Professor Kiyomi Donnelly to teach information literacy sessions to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) students on topics including avoiding plagiarism, evaluating sources, using library databases, and locating sources.
According to Professor Donnelly, “Collaborating with Dawn to better support our EAP students to help them develop their information literacy has benefitted their learning process. Carefully crafted library instructions specifically to EAP students that create a non-threatening learning environment allow them to participate in student-centered learning activities comfortably. Integrating library instructions on understanding plagiarism into the course work in particular has been critical because concepts of plagiarism can greatly differ from that of their home countries... As they deepen their knowledge and become familiar with academic English, naturally they feel a stronger sense of being a member of the university community and that sense of belonging empowers them to further advance their academic career. As one EAP student stated after receiving library instruction, ‘I lost my fear of asking questions!’”
In the EAP students’ case, each of the three lessons were one full class session in the library classroom. However, librarians are also available to come to classrooms for shorter sessions on different topics throughout the semester. This model enables students to become familiar with a particular librarian who can answer follow-up questions and assist with research throughout the semester.
Nursing Department/Library Collaboration
Another approach for promoting information literacy is to provide new students with an introduction to research strategies and library resources, which can offer a useful foundation for successful completion of future assignments. Nursing Department faculty members have worked with librarian Ingrid Levin to incorporate information literacy instruction into introductory level class NUR 150, with one session covering basic research skills and APA style citation, which is provided early in the fall semester for all these students. Nursing students also receive more in-depth research instruction in NUR 336 later in their time at Salve. These classes assist Nursing students in becoming familiar with discipline-specific scholarly materials important to their field. Librarians welcome the opportunity to collaborate with faculty to integrate information literacy instruction into classes, and will customize instruction based on specific topics or assignments.
Subject specialists
While all librarians can assist with research, we have subject specialists with expertise in particular subject areas. View our librarian liaisons to find a librarian who can assist you and your students with in-depth research.
Integrate information literacy instruction into your class!
Library Programs
Library Lessons continue this semester with workshops offered in McKillop 106, Warwick Campus, and as online webinars.
February 5th -- Discover Today's Library This workshop is designed to introduce the resources and materials available in the library. Topics to be covered include searching the catalog, borrowing from other libraries and using the resources from off campus.
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The library will offer a new series of informal and fun technology training sessions biweekly on Tuesdays at 2pm. The series will run from February 5th through April 16th. The first offering is Instapaper.
February 5th -- Instapaper: Save interesting web pages for reading later
Instapaper is a free browser add-on that grabs web content and stores it in an easy-to-read format for reading later, either in the browser or on a smartphone/tablet, or even in a printable version. In this session, Julie Swierczek will demonstrate how Instapaper works and why Instapaper has become her favorite internet reading tool.
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Statistical Abstracts
The U.S. Census Bureau decided to discontinue production of the Statistical Abstract of the United States in both its print and online form. Despite vigorous protests from librarians and users, this decision was implemented and 2012 was the last year of production. However, a commercial vendor has stepped into the breach and produced an online version. Statistical Abstracts in now produced by Proquest and the library has a subscription. Access Statistical Abstracts here.
For those not familiar with this resource, Statistical Abstracts is the premiere source for statistical information about the United States on just about every subject. Comprehensive statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States are available in either PDF or Excel format. You can use the Abstract as a convenient volume for statistical reference and as a guide to sources of more information both in print and on the Web. Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations. It is unfortunate that a government publication is no longer freely available to the public, and that libraries must now add another pay resource to their budgets. However, thanks to Proquest, the resource is still available and can be found in the McKillop Library A-Z list of databases.
From the Archives

Salve Regina Cook Book
In 1954, the Salve Regina College Guild published a cookbook to raise funds for the College. Contributors included the College's Home Economics Department, students, alumnae, and friends. Many recipes were handwritten by their contributors and decorated with small drawings; most of the recipes are signed. The cookbook is now available online in the Digital Commons. Reprints are also available through; proceeds will benefit the University Archives.
Follow Julie Swierczek as she blogs about University Archives and Special Collections. You can also 'like' the Archives on Facebook.
If you intend to use archival material or rare books in your classes, please contact University Archivist and Special Collections Librarian Julie Swierczek at or 401-341-2276. Julie is also available to talk to students about research using any historical primary resources; please contact her to schedule an individual appointment or classroom instruction session.
Staff Update
Lisa Kenyon
Lisa Kenyon has been appointed to the position of Special Programs Librarian. Lisa received her M.L.I.S. from URI in 2005 and has served as Curriculum Support Librarian at Mitchell College in New London since 2007. She will begin work on February 11.
McKillop Library Receives Book Grant

The McKillop Library was selected as a 2012 recipient of books through The Nippon Foundation’s “Read Japan” book donation program. The selected libraries receive a donation of up to 100 English books on Japan. The books cover five main categories: Politics & International Relations, Economy & Business, Society & Culture, Literature & Arts, and History. The foundation believes readers can develop a greater understanding of contemporary Japan through this collection. Contact John Lewis if you would like to receive an email of the titles received through this program.
GreenSalve Recycling Program
GreenSalve is starting a campus-wide battery and print cartridge recycling program. Recycling bins are located outside the Archives, Room 023 on the ground floor of McKillop Library. For more information about the types of materials that can be recycled, please contact Julie Swierczek.
GreenSalve advocates for sustainable practices on campus and in the local community, provides environmental sustainability education and collaborates with other groups on campus to create and support initiatives that reduce the University's environmental impact.
For more information, or to join the GreenSalve mailing list, contact Craig Condella.
Sewing Machines
 The library now has sewing machines available for checkout to Salve students! Librarian Christine Bagley was awarded a Mission Grant to add two sewing machines to the library’s collection. Students interested in learning to sew can now try their hand at it without having to invest in a machine.
Christine has gathered online resources as well as a list of faculty and staff who would be willing to demonstrate basic sewing techniques to students with no prior experience. To ask for a demonstration, please contact Christine Bagley.
Library Display Space for Students, Faculty & Staff
The library has a track hanging system and display cases on the second floor stairwell landing. This space can be used for displaying artwork, posters, etc. For more information, please see the submission form. Faculty interested in adding a display requirement for a class project should contact Julie Swierczek or Lisa Underhill to ensure that the space will be available.