The new Nexis Uni database, which replaces LexisNexis Academic Universe, has features and a design aimed at meeting the research needs of university students. Nexis Uni provides access to news, business and legal sources through:
Print and online journals, television and radio broadcasts, newswires and blogs
Local, regional, national and international newspapers
Access to federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790
Business information on U.S. and international companies and executives
The new design includes a larger search box that responds to natural language searches, as well as quick access to more complex search options to retrieve information on the various topics covered by the database.
New features of the database provide tools to facilitate the research process:
Save searches to re-run in the future, add sources to favorites and bookmark documents for later viewing
Customize your home page to feature a curated discipline page with related content, top publications and specialized search forms
Create alerts on topics or publications of interest
Additional features allow the researcher to customize searches, and set filters to meet research needs:
Results filtering identifies highly relevant results based on location, publication type, subject, industry, geography or timeline
Registering and creating an account with Nexis Uni unlocks many more features for the user:
Create and share folders for group research projects and study groups
Save documents in a shared workspace to reduce research overlap
Highlight portions of a document and make notes, and then save this annotated document in one of their folders and share with other students.
Ancestry Library, one of the newest additions to the library’s database, provides access to records and resources critical to genealogical research.
The database has many features to aid the novice searcher, including research aids for getting started with a search through its Learning Center, and many charts and forms to choose from for organizing information. Message boards allow fellow searchers to communicate and report any progress.
Ancestry Library also provides access to census, vital (birth, marriage and death), military and immigration records. Additional records available for searches include tax, criminal, land & will, along with city, school and church directories, and newspapers, maps, and photos.
Archives & Special Collections News
Commencement, 1995
In the fall, the archives published finding aids for the papers of two Salve Regina College presidents:
Archivist and Special Collections Librarian Genna Duplisea attended a weeklong digital preservation management workshop in October and is drafting a digital preservation framework as a foundation for preserving digital documents. As university records, photographs, collections, and other materials are increasingly "born digital" – created in an electronic environment rather than on paper – this framework will be vital to ensuring that archival and special materials are preserved and accessible in the future. As always, if your department or office is interested in developing a records retention plan, whether for physical or digital materials, please contact the archives.
In November, a book from special collections, The Animal Kingdom: Based Upon the Writings of Eminent Naturalists Audubon, Wallace, Brehn, Wood, and Others (1903) appeared in the art department's exhibition "Encountering Wonders: A Virtual Cabinet of Curiosities from Newport Collections."
During the spring 2018 semester, the archives will be working with information technologies to migrate to a new archives management system which will improve efficiency of processing and access to collections. Additionally, Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online (RIAMCO) continues its work on converting the encoding of its finding aids to the new EAD3 standard to improve access.
You can follow Salve Regina Archives and Special Collections on Facebook and Twitter @SalveArchives.
Digital Scholarship Series – call for presenters
McKillop Library will be hosting a series of workshops this spring to introduce Salve Regina University students, faculty, and staff to new tools and techniques in the field of scholarly communications and digital scholarship. If you are a faculty member and would like present in either March or April, please contact Lori Barile at with your proposal topic.
Our first presentation "Building Custom Collections: Unique Digital Resources for Learning and Research" is scheduled for Monday, February 26 @ 4-5pm in Library 106 by Genna Duplisea, university archives and special collections librarian and Alicia Vaandering, education and instructional design librarian.
Interested in using photographs or other historical materials that are unique to Salve in your teaching or research? What about creating your own collections? This workshop will demonstrate how to use customizable collections systems Shared Shelf and Omeka to develop digital collections and how to use them in the classroom and beyond.
No previous experience with Shared Shelf or Omeka is required.
Pilot Program of Individual Study Carrels
A large number of students responding to the library’s annual survey in 2017 asked for more individual study spaces and the library has responded by piloting private study carrels on the 3rd Floor. Student response has been overwhelmingly positive, and the library hopes to be approved to purchase additional carrels in the coming year.
Seeking Shelter Exhibit
McKillop Library is pleased to welcome Seeking Shelter on February 12, 2018 to the second floor of McKillop Library.
The exhibit covers Jesuit priest Daniel Berrigan’s Anti-Vietnam War activism and time as a fugitive on Block Island. The exhibit will run through April 15, 2018.
To commemorate the opening of this exhibit please join us on February 12, 2018 from 4:30p.m. to 6:00p.m. for a screening and talk by director Sue Hagedorn's "Shelter from the Storm" in the 1st FL of the library, followed by a reception and talk by curator Peter Yellis Ken on the second floor to celebrate and explore the Seeking Shelter exhibit.
Look for the library’s display in February honoring Black History month.
The display will feature titles in many formats and cover areas of interest such as African American Christianity, entrepreneurs, civil war diaries, music, baseball, dance, and the history of writers and critics.
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Display
During the week of Feb. 26 - March 4, McKillop Library and University Health Services will offer various events and displays to bring awareness about this issue to our campus and offer options for assistance to sufferers, their friends and families.
According to a report by the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), 35% of “normal” dieters progress to pathological dieting. Of those, 20–25% progress to partial or full–syndrome eating disorders (Shisslak & Crago, 1995). Given that eating disorders are the mental illness with the highest mortality rate (Arcelus, 2011), early detection, intervention and treatment is extremely important and gives an individual the best chance of recovery.
Thurs., Feb. 22, 2018 4:00 pm Library 109
Dr. Emily Colbert Cairns, assistant professor, will present on her new book Esther in Early Modern Iberia and the Sephardic Diaspora.
During her presentation, Dr. Colbert Cairns will discuss Esther--the Jewish woman who marries the King of Persia and saves her people-- who was contested in the cultures of early modern Europe and authored as a symbol of conformity and resistance. At once a queen and minority figure under threat, for a changing Iberian and broader European landscape, Esther was compelling and relatable precisely because of her hybridity.
Dr. Anthony MangieriVirgin Sacrifice in Classical Art : women, agency, and the Trojan War Book Talk by Dr. Anthony Mangieri, associate professor.
March 5, 2018 @ 4:00pm.
Dr. Sally GomaaThe Uses of Geography in Yousef Ziedan’s Novel Azazeel by Dr. Sally Gomaa, associate professor, April 5, 2018 @ 4:00pm.
Library Programs
Blind Date with a Book
This Valentines Day treat yourself to a blind date with a book. Unlike the real thing if it doesn't work out, no one gets their feelings hurt.
Wed., Feb. 14, 2018
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Miley Lobby
Genealogy Research Workshop
Ever curious about your ancestors? McKillop Library recently purchased a subscription to Ancestry Library, a genealogy database. Librarians Kiki Butler and Lori Barile will be presenting a lunchtime workshop on how to use this database to complete genealogy research. Please bring a bag lunch.
RSVP to as space is limited.
Adam Salisbury
was promoted to the position of circulation manager, covering daytime hours.
Bethany Blycker-Koll was promoted to the position of circulation manager, evening hours. McKillop Library welcomed Alicia Vaandering in January as the library’s new education librarian.
Gretchen Sotomayor joined the staff in October as a library specialist in research and instruction services.
Librarians Olga Verbeek and Gerald "Joe" Foley retired in December after many years of service at McKillop Library.