By Joan Bartram, Collection Development Coordinator and
Gerald Foley, Access Services Coordinator
In the early hours of February 13th, a coil in an HVAC unit on the roof of McKillop Library burst, sending a deluge of water into the stacks in the west wing of the building. The water damage was concentrated in an area about nine feet wide, across four aisles of books, but it drained through three floors of the building into the electronic classroom on the first floor.
The SRU facilities staff acted quickly to minimize the damage. They stopped the flow of water, covered the stacks with plastic sheeting, and began using equipment to remove water from the carpeting.
A team of librarians, staff, and student employees worked under the direction of librarian Joan Bartram, who is trained in library emergencies and materials preservation. The team sorted the damaged materials. Some irreparable items were discarded, but most materials affected were deemed salvageable and set out to dry.
A professional disaster management company also aided in clean-up and preservation efforts. They sealed off the west wing of the third floor, where the damage was the greatest, to create a drying room. Industrial dehumidifiers and fans were used to reduce humidity and circulate dry air. Mold poses a serious threat to libraries sustaining water damage; these drying measures were undertaken for that reason.
The west wing of the third floor of McKillop Library houses nearly one third of the library’s books. Since the area needed to be sealed off, those books became temporarily unavailable.
In the coming weeks, damages will be assessed and arrangements with be made for replacement of materials.
Photos by Joan Bartram, Collection Development Coordinator

The Tournées Festival: Six New French Films
March 30-April 10
Salve Regina University’s third French Film Festival, co-sponsored by McKillop Library, the Department of English and the Department of Modern Languages, is made possible with the support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the French Ministry of Culture. All films and events are free and open to the public. Opening night is at the Jane Pickens Theater; all other films are in Bazarsky Hall, O’Hare Academic Center. Opening night festivities begin at 6:30 with traditional music by accordionist Renata Adams and refreshments generously provided by Sodexho Campus Services. Further information on the films, schedules and events is available on the festival web site: www.salve.edu/frenchfilm . All films include English subtitles.
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Sunday, March 30, Jane Pickens Theater.
Festivities begin at 6:30 p.m.; feature film at 7 p.m.
Fauteuils d'orchestre/Avenue Montaigne
- Tuesday, April 1, 7 p.m., O'Hare Academic Center
Sponsored by the Office of International and Multicultural Programs.
- Thursday, April 3, 7 p.m., O'Hare Academic Center
La Moustache.
- Sunday, April 6, 2 p.m., O'Hare Academic Center
A reception following the film is sponsored by Alliance Française of Newport with music by Salve Jazz Ensemble.
- Wednesday, April 9, 7 p.m., O'Hare Academic Center
Sponsored by the Office of Mission Integration and Planning.
Au- delà de la haine/ Beyond Hatred.
- Thursday, April 10, 7 p.m., O'Hare Academic Center
Cœurs/Private Fears in Public Places.

Lightly Clad and Out of Stays: The Summer Novel in the 19th Century
April, 16, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Library Special Collections Room
Donna Harrington-Lueker, Associate Professor, Department of English will highlight some of her research findings on summer reading as a publishing concept and a social phenomenon in the late 19th Century. Dr. Harrington-Lueker presented a paper last January at Oxford University on the subject and was granted a sabbatical for fall 2007 to develop her research into a book. Her research has ranged from the marketing of summer reading by the publisher Charles Scribner to an analysis of the fiction written for idle summer days. Often the titles are amusing in themselves, e.g. Flirtation Camp; or, the rifle, rod, and gun in California; a sporting romance.

Against the Tide: How a Compliant Congress Empowered a Reckless President.
April 24, 7:00 p.m. Bazarsky Hall, O'Hare Academic Center
St. Martin's Press. Publication date: April 01, 2008.
Co-sponsored with Newport Public Library
Lincoln Chafee, former U.S. Senator, Rhode Island will discuss his new book, a political memoir, which according to the Providence Journal is "remarkable for its candor". Copies of the book will be on sale at the event. For more information on the book, see the article in the Providence Journal, January 27, 2008. [View article (pdf)]

Three Cups of Tea
March 26 at 12:00 noon Special Collections Room, McKillop Library
The faculty/staff book group, co-sponsored by the Library and the Office of Human Resources, will discuss Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson, on March 26 at noon in the Special Collections room of the McKillop Library. Light refreshments, including tea, will be served.
According to Booklist, "Readers interested in a fresh perspective on the cultures and development efforts of Central Asia will love this incredible story of a humanitarian endeavor." The book is currently on bestseller lists across the country, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and Providence Journal.
Please call Kathleen Jackson at ext. 3160 to reserve your spot in the group.
ON DISPLAY ... In Memoriam
Sister Lucille McKillop
September 28, 1924 - February 29, 2008
Fifth president of Salve Regina and the longest-serving president in university history (1973 to 1994)
While Sister Lucille was at the helm…
the college went coed (1973)
- the Master's and Doctoral programs were founded (1974 and 1990 respectively)
- the college transformed into a university (1991)
- the annual Governor's Ball was started to help raise scholarship funds (1977)
- the curriculum was revamped (1974) and the number of possible majors increased from 9 to 25
- the university established an Intercollegiate Athletic Program (1976)
- several buildings, including Cecilia Hall (1982), Tobin Hall (1987), Marian Hall (1989), McAuley Hall (1991), North/South Halls, and
- the Academic Computer Labs moved into the renovated Munroe Center (1986)
- Hunt/Reefe Halls were built (1986)
- McKillop Library, the university's first purpose-built library, was constructed (1991)
- enrollment doubled from 1,000 to 2,300 students
- the annual operating budget grew from $1.2 million to $20 million
Displays are in the glass cases on the first and second floors of McKillop Library.
The University Archives is open to all researchers Monday through Friday from 9:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please call or e-mail in advance to make an appointment. Maria Bernier, Archivist, 341-2276 or maria.bernier@salve.edu.

The University Archives announces the debut of its web site at https://library.salve.edu/archives. This site serves as an introduction to the Archives, includes contact information, hours, and policies, and provides guidance for researchers as well as procedural information for university staff who would like to transfer permanent records to the Archives. Detailed information about individual collections will be added to the finding aids page as it becomes available.
By Julie Swierczek, Technical Services Specialist
The Encore discovery tool, which has replaced the catalog search box on the McKillop Library home page, offers users a new way to search the library catalog. Encore uses a more Google-like approach to searching. The interface should be easy to use for those familiar with e-commerce sites like Amazon.com.
For those who prefer the traditional catalog search, there are several links to the regular catalog search interface on the library's home page. Click on "Advanced search" immediately below the Encore search box to enter the advanced search interface for the catalog. Or click on "Library online catalog" to enter the regular catalog search interface.
For more details on using the Encore interface, please visit our Encore Information page.
By Ingrid Levin, Reference Librarian
McKillop Library will soon be administering a nationally-recognized web-based survey called LibQUAL that is designed to measure how library users perceive the quality of their library's services. Everyone who participates in the survey and chooses to take part in a prize drawing will be eligible to win an iPod Nano which will be awarded to the lucky winner in late April. The survey results will allow us to compare McKillop Library's performance with that of peer institutions and help us assess how our services are meeting your expectations and where we need to improve.
Please keep an eye on your email in the beginning of April for the official LibQUAL survey announcement and the survey's web link. We encourage everyone to complete the survey to help the Library better meet your research needs. As with all surveys, the greater participation rate, the more accurate the results.
By John Lewis
McKillop Library hosted an all day training session in the use of the recently acquired ARTstor database on Wednesday, February 13th. In the afternoon a one-hour training session on "Teaching with ARTstor" was attended by over twenty-five faculty members from the humanities and social sciences departments. A more intensive three-hour morning session was conducted for librarians. Training for both sessions was provided by ARTstor User Services Specialists.
ARTstor is a digital library of over 750,000 images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes.
This database is accessible under the New Databases link of the McKillop Library home page. For assistance in using ARTstor, you may contact Reference Services at 341-2289.
A sample from ARTSTOR:
Creator: Edward Mitchell Bannister. North American; American. 1828 Canada-1901 USA. Artist
Title: Newport Scene
Material: watercolor and pencil on paper mounted on paperboard
By Ingrid Levin, Reference Librarian
The Library now subscribes to a new version of the OVID Nursing Collection that is completely linked to CINAHL, the primary nursing database. The collection provides access to 46 full-text and fully-searchable scholarly nursing journals.
Notable journal titles available in this collection include the Journal of Nursing Administration, American Journal of Nursing, Journal of Trauma Nursing, and Holistic Nursing Practice among others.
Instruction on using this collection or other nursing databases such as CINAHL, Sage, Blackwell, and PubMed is available for classes or individual researchers. Please contact Ingrid Levin, the liaison to the Nursing department, at ingrid.levin@salve.edu or 341-2293 for more information.
HOW TO ...
Customize library resources for your courses
By Cathy Rowe, Reference and Instructional Services Coordinator
Ever wish that Wikipedia didn't crop up quite so frequently in students' bibliographies? Ever wonder what new online resources at the library might be useful for your students?
As a way to guide students to appropriate resources, McKillop Library offers LibraryConnect, a service designed to support faculty in the development of customized library services for individual courses and programs. Faculty and librarians work collaboratively to identify key resources, services, and strategies that support course assignments and learning objectives. The LibraryConnect program also intends to foster the development of Information Literacy Competencies in Salve students.
The LibraryConnect program supports faculty through a number of ways:
- Development of customized resource pages for individual courses and programs
- Identifying and linking library resources for WebCT courses
- Consulting one-on-one with students on thesis and other lengthy research projects.
- Instructional sessions tailored for a particular assignment or research needs of a course.
LibraryConnect services can work with the faculty by developing course resource pages, librarians can provide library instruction sessions or course resource handouts tailored to a specific course. For example, a course that requires students to follow international news may benefit from an instruction session that focuses on library resources such as Lexis-Nexis and Access World News. Showing students how to use the most relevant databases helps students use their time more effectively, since they can then focus on searching for content in specific databases instead of wandering through Google looking for acceptable articles.
Faculty interested in having a LibraryConnect service such as a resource page for their fall courses or in having an instruction session and/or handout created for their courses may fill out the LibraryConnect form.
Please contact Cathy Rowe, Reference and Instructional Services Coordinator (341-2287) rowec@salve.edu for more information.
HOW TO ...
Request books not available at McKillop Library
By Ingrid Levin, Reference Librarian
STEP 1: Use the HELIN Catalog
- This catalog includes materials in McKillop Library plus the holdings of another 10 academic and 14 health science libraries in Rhode Island.
- To request a book from another library in the HELIN catalog, use the request button in the top menu bar and make sure to select your preferred delivery location.
- When the book arrives, usually within 2 days, you will be notified by email that it is available for check out at the front desk.
STEP 2: Check the InRhode Catalog
- If the book is not available within the HELIN catalog, try InRhode which lets you search and request items from the Brown University Libraries.
- If the book is in InRhode, use the "request this item" link and choose HELIN as your affiliation.
- You will be notified by email when the book has arrived at McKillop Library, usually within 2 days.
STEP 3: Use Interlibrary Loan
- If the book is neither in the HELIN nor the InRhode Catalogs, use McKillop Library's interlibrary loan service online "Request a book" form.
- Fill out the form as completely as possible and be sure to enter your name and library barcode at the bottom.
- You will be notified by email when your book has arrived at the Library.
- Please allow extra time for interlibrary loan books to arrive.
Contact Circulation at: 341-2291 or slcirc@salve.edu. Visit Circulation
Contact Interlibrary Loan at: 341-2379 or ill@salve.edu. Visit Interlibrary Loan
Salve's Curriculum Librarian, Christine Bagley, and her five favorite children's books, are featured in the February 27th issue of the Newport Mercury. Her recommendations and personal comments are offered for each of these humor-filled and gentle books.
Her favorites, in order of publication date, are:
All of the books are available in the Janet L. Robinson Curriculum Resource Center located on the second floor of McKillop Library. Copies of the Newport Mercury, published weekly, are available on the newspaper shelving on the first floor of McKillop Library.
McKenzie Barton of Sandwich, MA, worked in Circulation for four years. Her major is Graphic Design and Interactive Communications Technologies. She won second place in the Best of Salve Students show for a motion graphic spoof of the title sequence to Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo and third place for a package design for a hamster food company of her invention, "J. B. Fluffenstuff". McKenzie likes to read and design paper costumes to wear at anime and manga conventions. She's also a fan of B horror films. She had an internship last summer at a Sandwich graphic design firm called IndeSign Creative Imaging and will be looking for a design job in the Boston area when she graduates.
Ian B. Kerr of Westminster, MA, worked in Technical Services for four years. His majors are Anthropology and Cultural and Historic Preservation. Ian is a Pell Scholar, and a recipient of a Regina scholarship and also the Mercy Award. In addition, he was the University's nominee for a Rhodes Scholarship. As a recipient of a grant from the University's Board of Trustees, he will be attending World Youth Day 2008 www.wyd2008.org/ in Sydney, Australia. In his spare time Ian enjoys playing tennis and soccer. After graduation he plans to pursue a master's degree in Archaeology.
Holly P. Nelson of Cranston, R.I., worked in Circulation for four years. She is earning a B.S. in Information Systems Management, with minors in Business Administration and Theatre Arts. Her interests include theatre, card games, board games, computers, and spending time with her family. Salve Regina's Department of Theatre Arts produced her adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women in April 2006, for which she received a merit award from the KCACTF Critics' Institute. After Holly graduates she plans on working full-time in business while attending graduate school part-time.