Reorganizing the Library for the Learning Commons
By Kathy Boyd, Director of library services
The library is continuing with its plan to implement a Learning Commons model, which focuses on user-centered design of library space and services. Library staff were reorganized this summer to support this model. Beginning this fall, library service desks will be staffed for longer hours, and librarians will be more available for outreach, instruction, and in-depth research support.
Please visit our staff directory to see a list of staff and their new areas of responsibility. Discuss your research needs, library instruction for your classes, or any other library assistance with your liaison. To recommend items for purchase, please fill out our online form, As always, the library welcomes your feedback.
Library Open House Scramble Winner: Kelsey Stafstrom '14
On the afternoon of September 22 students zigzagged through the library building searching for answers to questions about the library and its resources in a Library Scramble. The Scramble was part of Salve's Learning without Walls events. Students who correctly completed all the questions were entered into a drawing for a Nook, the Wi-Fi e-reader from Barnes & Noble.
Over 200 students participated in the Library Scramble with the hopes of taking home the Nook. In the end it was Kelsey Stafstrom'14 who walked away with the prize, which has access to over one million eBooks, magazines and newspapers. Stafstrom was pleasantly surprised upon receiving notification of winning. "One of my close friends has a Nook and she says that the best part about it that it is versatile and beats carrying around dozens of books at a time." The event, she added, "provided a fun and easy way to familiarize myself with the library and what it has to offer."
Whitaker Record Collection Finds a New Home
The Whitaker recorded music collection, formerly located in Cecilia Hall, has a new home back in the library. The collection, which arrived at Salve in 1992, consists of more than 11,000 vinyl recordings of classical, jazz, and contemporary music. The Whitaker collection is searchable both in the library catalog and through a specialized search interface.
If you would like to listen to a specific recording, please note its full call number and title, then contact Maria Bernier, Archivist, at or 401-341-2276 for access. Salve Regina faculty and staff may check out records for class or personal use, but the records do not circulate to students. The Archivist can also make digital versions available on request for certain uses, when allowed by copyright laws.
Upcoming Programs
 At Work in the Eden of America:
Nuns’ Role in Newport’s Catholic Community
by John Quinn,
Chair, Department of History
Monday, October 4, 2010, 4:00 p.m.
Munroe Room, McKillop Library
John Quinn, professor and chair of the department of history at Salve Regina University, will talk about his sabbatical research on nuns' roles in Newport's Catholic community on Monday, October 4, at 4:00 p.m. in the Munroe Room. A reception will follow Dr. Quinn's presentation.
Director Peter Brook: Re-imaging Shakespeare
by Suzanne Delle,
Assistant Professor of Theatre and
Artistic Director of the Casino Theatre
Monday, November 8, 2010, 4:00 p.m.
Munroe Room,
McKillop Library
Reminiscing in Tempo: Reflections on Newport Jazz and Folk Festivals
Jazz impresario George Wein, renowned for his work in organizing music festivals, and Newport Daily News reporter Jim Gillis teamed up to talk about past festivals in McKillop Library on August 5. The program was part of Bridge Fest, a week of local music events bridging Newport’s Jazz and Folk Festivals.
For more about the program, read the Newport Daily News article and listen to the program on WRNI recognizing 56 years of Newport’s legendary jazz festival and George Wein Day.
New Databases!
Films On Demand is a state-of-the-art streaming video platform that provides the ability to view digital video in real time. The collection can be used to search for specific video segments, organize videos into folders, and create personal playlists for others to view.
The Master Academic Collection includes over 5,600 full length educational films in the humanities & social sciences; science & mathematics; health & medicine; and business & economics.
Learning Express offers practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, and other job and career information. The database includes GMAT and GRE Preparation as well as LSAT and MCAT Practice Exams. It also cover PRAXIS I and II preparation.
Mango Languages is a database of Foreign Language Courses at both the Basic and Advanced Level. Mango Basic courses can be used to quickly learn some basic words and phrases for a business trip or short trip overseas. Mango Complete courses are aimed at students who want to move beyond basic language skills.
Currently there are 22 languages from Arabic to Vietnamese. This database is perfect for students planning to study abroad through Salve’s international study abroad programs.
Heritage Quest is a genealogical database that can be used to search for information on one’s ancestors. Included in the database is the complete set of U.S. Federal Census images for 1790-1930, PERSI - a collection of book and articles on genealogy and local history, the Revolutionary War Era Pension & Land Bounty Application Files, the Freedman’s Bank, and a portion of the U.S. Serial Set.
These and other new databases can be accessed at the New Databases page on the McKillop Library web site.
New Staff!
Adam Salisbury
Learning commons specialist Adam Salisbury joined the McKillop Library staff in August. He will most often be found at the information desks on the library's main floor since a major part of his responsibilities is to assist users with technology-related issues. Before arriving, Adam worked as a student assistant in the Pell Marine Science Library at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, and he graduated this year from URI with a B.S. in marine biology.
Tech News
- Four new iMacs
have been installed on the first floor of the library, for a total of eight Macs on the first floor.
- Windows 7 has been installed on all PC’s in the library.
- SPSS, Quicken, and QuickBooks software for business & accounting majors will be added to 4 PC's on the first floor.
- Wi-Fi for Mobile Devices such as iPads, iPod Touch and Smartphones is now available. Choose "SRU-Mobile Devices" from the wireless network list.
- is the library's new mobile website. Find library hours, search databases, find a book, and contact a librarian, all from your phone!
- Ask-A-Librarian Text & Chat service.
Text your question to: 401-324-9LIB (9542) or send a chat message to username salvelibrarian (compatible with AIM, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, or Windows Live/MSN). Chat widgets are also embedded on many library web pages – simply type your question and hit 'enter'. More details.
- The Library Blog
is where we will post information about library events, displays, and resources.
Information Tidbits!
- Passwords for Reserves
All courses with Video-on-Demand Reserves now require passwords for access.
Passwords are case-sensitive. The password is sent to the professor when the course is added to reserves.
- Extended hours on Fridays The library is now open until 8pm on Fridays.
Our hours of operation.
- Do you have a Hidden Talent to share?
The Hidden Talent exhibits highlight the work of faculty and staff including items you have collected. If you are interested in being featured in an exhibit, please contact Lisa Underhill at 341-2290 or
- Displays in the library
The library routinely mounts displays of visual and scholarly materials to highlight subjects of current or historical interest. If you have a suggestion for a display, please contact Lisa Underhill at 341-2290 or