Library Grant Awarded
By Kathy Boyd, director of library services
The Champlin Foundations has awarded the McKillop Library a second grant, in the amount of $69,550, for the expansion of the Learning Commons into the east wing of the main floor of the library. To help users fully utilize library resources, additions include a remodeled public information desk for on-demand research assistance and a private, glassed-in space for longer, one-on-one research consultations with a librarian to be completed in early February. Two "pods" of computers have been created around two of the columns in that area. Six freestanding collaborative technology tables were purchased; each of these tables will have seating space for up to eight users. These new tables have built-in power and data jacks to support laptop use. In addition, the grant funded the purchase of 48 computer task chairs and 12 new lounge chairs.
The library received its first Champlin grant in November 2008 to begin the conversion of first floor space into a collaborative Learning Commons. This first grant funded the purchase of new furnishings and technology for the library's west wing, as well as the renovation of the library's classroom into a multipurpose learning space.
Upcoming Programs
New Directions for the Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy
Presentation by: Dr. James M. Ludes,
executive director of the Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy
Monday, January 30, 2012
4:00 -5:00 p.m. Munroe Special Collections Room
Dr. Ludes, the Pell Center's new director, will discuss the Center's work, its plans for the future and efforts to better integrate the Pell Center into the Salve Regina community. Dedicated to honoring Senator Claiborne Pell's legacy, the Center promotes American engagement in the world, effective government at home, and civic participation by all Americans.
Faculty Open House
Co-sponsored by McKillop Library, Center for Teaching and Learning, and University Computer Labs
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
11:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m. McKIllop Library
The university faculty is invited to attend a variety of presentations and demonstrations throughout the building. A light buffet lunch will be served from 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Munroe Special Collections Room.
Raffle! a Nook and a Sony eReader

Topics include:
EBooks, Movi web conferencing,
iMovie, Films on Demand, Course Guides,
Using Clickers, Turn It In, and much more ...
Library Lessons
Mon., Feb. 6 & Tues. Feb. 28, 2012
4:00 - 4:45 p.m. McKillop Library Room 106
The Library Lessons series continues with Today's Library for Graduate Students. The academic library of today is changing so fast that this workshop is designed to introduce graduate students and any other interested members of the Salve community to new techniques and materials for research.

Web Wednesdays
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. McKillop Library Room 106
The "Web Wednesday" technology workshop series continues with "There's an App for That!" Lori Barile, learning commons librarian, will demonstrate a number of popular (and mostly free) mobile apps to increase your productivity, promote life-long learning, and add some fun to your gadgets. (Emphasis will be on apps available for Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch). All members of the Salve community are invited to attend. Bring your own lunch and we'll provide dessert. To submit topics for a workshop or to volunteer to be a presenter, please contact Lori Barile at or at 401-341-2237.
Jane Eyre, a screening of Cary Fukunaga’s 2011 adaptation of the timeless romance
Co-sponsored by the Department of English and McKillop Library
Monday, February 13, 2012
7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Bazarsky Lecture Hall, O’Hare Academic Center

Sugar-Jacket! Cheapsteak! : Second Language Use on American TV at the Crossroads of Humor and Social Commentary
Presentation by: Dr. James Mitchell, associate professor of modern and classical languages
Monday, March 5, 2012
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Munroe Special Collections Room
Salve's 7th French Film Festival
March 18 - 29, 2012
McKillop Library is again co-sponsoring Salve's French Film Festival along with the Departments of Modern Languages, Theatre Arts, English, and the Office of International Programs.
The festival will bring a French cultural flair to Newport with six new French films, all with English subtitles. There will be two receptions with live music and complimentary wine tasting. Join us March 18-29 to see what attracted over 2,000 spectators from the Salve Regina and Newport communities to the festival last year alone.
The festival will open Sunday evening, March 18, with a reception at the historic Jane Pickens Theater, 49 Touro Street, Newport, R.I. All other films will be screened on campus in the O'Hare Academic Center's Bazarsky Lecture Hall. To avoid ticket lines at the door, buy a festival pass: or call (401) 341-2250.
For film descriptions and trailers visit the official web site:
H.W. Wilson Databases are moving to EBSCOhost!
 The database vendors H.W. Wilson and EBSCO have merged. As a result all H.W. Wilson databases are moving to the EBSCOhost platform. Links to these databases have been updated on the library’s database page and on LibGuides. With this move, there are some notable benefits to researchers:
- Greater integration with full text:
Many article records in Wilson linked back to EBSCO; now that the records are right within EBSCOhost, there will be less clicking to get to the full text article.
- Ability to search a huge set of databases at once:
The library has always subscribed to a wide variety of EBSCO databases which provided the functionality to search all their content simultaneously. With the addition of the Wilson databases to the EBSCO platform, the list of databases that can be searched instantaneously is quite impressive.
The McKillop Library has subscriptions to the following Wilson Databases which will be affected by this transition:
OmniFile Full Text Mega
Applied Science & Technology Abstracts
Art Abstracts Full Text
Art Index Retrospective: 1929-1984 | Book Review Digest
Book Review Digest Retrospective: 1905-1982
Business Abstracts with Full Text
Education Full Text
General Science Full Text | Humanities Full Text
Humanities & Social Sciences Retro: 1907-1984
Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982
Reader’s Guide Full Text Mega
Social Sciences Full Text |
Access to these and all other McKillop Library databases is available on the library's A-Z List. Listings of databases acquired over the past year can be accessed on our new database page.
Left: Painter at work during the break. Middle: Carey Fifer '15 on a new Mac. Right: Completed east wing Learning Commons.
Staff Update
Julie Swierczek
has been appointed the interim University Archivist and special collections cataloger. Julie holds a BA in History and Philosophy from Rosemont College, an MA in Philosophy from Miami University of Ohio, and she is completing an MS in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois. While continuing to preserve historical documents and rare books, Julie will be pursuing opportunities to digitize collections and make them available online. Julie has been with McKillop Library since October 2007, most recently in the position of collection services associate. All are invited to visit the Archives in Room 023 on the garden level of the library; please contact Julie in advance of your visit at, or (401)341-2276.
Lisa Underhill
has been promoted to collection services associate. She will now be overseeing cataloging, in addition to her responsibilities for acquisitions and the management of collection funds. Lisa holds a BA in English from the University of Rhode Island, a Certificate in Interior Design from the Rhode Island School of Design, and is currently enrolled in Salve's MBA program. Lisa has been with McKillop Library since October 2007, in the position of collection services specialist. You can contact Lisa at:, or (401)341-2290.
Book Drop

You can return books and DVDs 24 hours a day at the new book drop outside the library's entrance.
Library Blog
DVD collection
Do you know you can borrow over 4,000 DVDs from the library? McKillop Library has a fantastic collection, if we do say so ourselves. The DVD collection includes most of the Criterion Collection, a collection of the greatest films from around the world, plus international films and a selection of recent releases. The DVD collection is located on the first floor of the library. Come check it out!
Latest Arrivals!

Mobile Site
Use your smart phone to scan the QR code and go directly to the mobile site.