Welcome to the New Academic Year!
By Kathy Boyd, director of library services
We have been busy this summer getting ready for your arrival. Olga Verbeek, Lori Barile, and Ingrid Levin created a new design for our library web site, and the result is quite impressive. Take a look!
We especially welcome new students, faculty, and staff to the Library, and we are looking forward to working with students and faculty at the new Warwick Center for Adult Education.
As a reminder, faculty can request customized library instruction sessions tailored to specific assignments in their classes. We can also create tailored course guides to provide students access to the best resources for class assignments, and librarians are also available for individual consultations for all members of the Salve community. For more information about these services, visit the Research and Instructional Services page, or contact us!
Upcoming Program
Old & Rare: Reflections on Book Collecting
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
4:30 -5:30 p.m. Munroe Room
Presentation by: Dr. Oren W. Davis,
retired professor of philosophy and humanities,
Trinity College, Vermont
Dr. Davis will discuss his rare book collection and how he used it in teaching. He
recently bequeathed his extensive collection, acquired during his 34 years at Trinity College of Vermont and Landmark College in Putney, Vermont, to McKillop Library's Special Collections.
Dr. Davis's collection contains hundreds of important books published from the 17th through the 20th centuries in the areas of literature, philosophy, theology, history and art. Some examples of the wide range of his collecting are Aesop's Aesopi Phyrgis Fabulae, 1609; a set of Friedrich Schiller's Sämmelte Werke from the library of Austrian General Graf Radetzky with Radetzky's personal bindings and bookplates; a copy of Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead's Principia Mathematica signed by Bertrand Russell; and a first edition of Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Dr. Davis received his B.A. in philosophy from Oklahoma City University. After studying on a Fulbright Fellowship for one year at the University of Marburg in Germany, he returned to the U.S. to complete his M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. In addition to teaching, he has been a lecturer and conference presenter on various philosophical, ethical, and cultural topics.
A reception will follow his presentation.
Faculty Gifts to the Library
Over the years, the library has benefited greatly from Salve Regina's generous faculty. The library reminds the community that we are always happy to accept material that will enrich our physical collection. Some faculty members who have made large donations in the past include Brother John Buckley, Lois Eveleth, Joan David, George Antone, Mary Montminy-Danna, and many others. Over the summer, McKillop Library received a wonderful collection of art, design, and architecture books from James L. Yarnall as part of a paring down of his collection. This is the second time during his tenure that he made such a large donation from his private collection. If you are seeking a new home for books or DVDs in good condition, please consider the library. Our gift policy is online.
New Coffee in Bookends Café
During the spring semester, faculty, staff, and students tested several coffee vending services for the Bookends Cafe. After reading testers’ responses - and recovering from the excess of caffeine - we decided to adopt the Flavia coffee system, which offers coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and several mixes (Milky Way latte, anyone?). Most drinks are $1, while a few mixed varieties cost $1.50.
One of the greatest benefits to working with Atlantic Coffee and providing Flavia products is that we get to be part of a green program called Freshpack Recycling. We box up and mail out the used coffee packets, which eventually make their way to Terracycle, a company that both recycles and upcycles waste!
Smart Student Scavenger Hunt
As part of the New Student Seminar's September Scramble, all freshmen will take part in the Smart Student Scavenger Hunt from September 21-30. This hands-on activity will help new students discover and explore the library's resources and services. Students will learn about the library's physical layout, library website and catalog, ebooks, and article databases by answering a series of structured questions.
A prize drawing for two Amazon gift cards will be held for all students who complete the scavenger hunt. Students will start at the Circulation Desk to receive their scavenger hunt clues.
Library Lessons
During the fall semester, McKillop Library will be offering Library Lessons on research skills. Open to all members of the Salve community, these workshops will cover topics including APA and MLA style citation, RefWorks, literature reviews, and library basics for new students. A series of workshops will be held in Room 106 of McKillop Library with seating available for up to 26 participants. Workshops are also being planned for the Center for Adult Education in Warwick.
View the schedule for Fall 2012. Faculty who are interested in instruction for their classes on any of these topics can request a customized workshop.
New Databases
To support the History program, the databases America: History & Life and Historical Abstracts are now available in the EBSCO interface. America: History & Life is a full-text database that covers the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Historical Abstracts is a full-text database that spans the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 forward, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and much more.
The library also recently purchased two new collections from JSTOR, the popular retrospective full-text collection of scholarly journals. Arts & Sciences VIII consists of 140 journals in the humanities disciplines of history, language & literature, art & art history, philosophy, music, and education. This collection also includes a group of rare 19th and early 20th century American Art periodicals digitized as part of a special project undertaken with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Frick Collection, and the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Arts & Sciences IX, when complete at the end of 2012, will consist of 150 titles mainly in business and the social sciences. Research areas include archaeology, anthropology, sociology, business, economics, population studies, and political science.
Another addition is Hein Online which contains more than 70 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format. The database includes over 1,500 law and law-related periodicals. Hein Online also contains the Congressional Record bound volumes in their entirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, famous world trials dating back to the early 1700's, legal classics from the 16th to the 20th centuries, the United Nations and League of Nations Treaty Series, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register from its inception in 1936, the Code of Federal Regulations from its inception in 1938, Foreign Relations of the United States, and Public Papers of the Presidents.
Finally, through the AskRI statewide database initiative four new databases are available for use by all RI residents. AtoZ Databases provides detailed information on U.S. businesses and residents, the Biography Collection Complete offers a comprehensive collection of full-text biographies, Points of View contains essays and articles that present multiple sides of issues of current interest, and Novelist provides book reviews and recommendations on what to read next, based on a reader’s interests.
Access to these and all other McKillop Library databases is available on the library's A-Z List of Databases. Listings of databases acquired over the past year can be accessed on our New Database page.
New eBook Collection
The McKillop Library recently subscribed to the EBook Academic Collection from EBSCO. There are nearly 83,000 full-text titles with subject coverage that includes art, business & economics, education, literary criticism, medicine & nursing, performing arts, philosophy, poetry, political science, religion, social science and technology. Along with titles already available through Ebrary, Humanities E-book Collection, NetLibrary, now integrated into EBSCO, Credo Reference and Gale Virtual Reference Library, McKillop Library users now have access to over 160,000 electronic titles – larger than our entire print collection!
Staff News
| Allen Antone, special programs librarian, will be retiring at the end of September; Allen has worked in the library since 1999. |
| Lori Barile, learning commons librarian, has been appointed the library liaison to the new Warwick Center for Adult Education. |
| Vanessa Dyer has become the library’s collection services specialist. In addition to her work supporting the acquisition and cataloging of library materials, she will continue to open the library and supervise the circulation desk on Sunday afternoons. |
| John Lewis has become collection services librarian and is responsible for the management, licensing and evaluation of the library's electronic and print information resources. In July, John was a presenter on eTextbook Use by Faculty and Students at the 2012 Campus Technology Conference held in Boston. |
| Susan Small has been hired as the library’s day circulation supervisor — she works a Tuesday through Saturday schedule at the main desk during the academic year. Susan holds an MLS degree from the University of Rhode Island. Prior to coming to Salve Regina, she worked for many years as a technology consultant, classroom teacher and media specialist for the Portsmouth RI school system. She replaces Susan Hester, who retired last semester after working in the library for 14 years. |
| Julie Swierczek has been promoted to the position of university archivist and special collections librarian. Julie has worked in the library since 2007, and received her MSLIS degree in August from the University of Illinois. This summer she attended the Western Archives Institute in Pomona, California--an intensive, two-week program in current archival practice. |
Tech Corner
iPod Touches
The library has 6 iPod Touches that can be checked out for 48 hours.
The Touches are pre-loaded with applications, including iMovie.
Additional applications can be requested at the Circulation Desk.
The library has three Kindles that can be checked out for one week.
The Kindles are pre-loaded with content. New content can be requested; contact Lisa Underhill with requests.
Oversize Books
During the summer we consolidated the oversize books into one location. Oversize books are now located on the third floor, west wing, around the corner from room 317.
Calling All Artists!

The library is launching a community art space in the second floor stairwell of the library to display art made by Salve students, faculty, and staff. A track system has been installed to hang art on the walls, and display cases are available for three dimensional works.
Artists will need to fill out a form in order to have their work(s) displayed. You can read more about the display space and fill out the form here. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Underhill or Julie Swierczek.
From the Archives

The New Student Records/New Student Registers from 1981-1996 are now online – these were the 'facebooks' of their day.
Regina Maris, the university’s yearbook from 1951-2004, is now digitized and available in the Internet Archive.

The library has digitized materials in our collection from the Monumenta art exhibit of 1974.

" The Noble Leaf: An Exhibit of Antique Map Leaves from the McKillop Library Special Collections" is now on display outside the Munroe Special Collections room on the first floor of the library. The exhibit includes a leaf from Tolomei's Geographia of 1574.

Copies of the Salve Regina College Guild Cookbook of 1954 can be purchased through Lulu.com, where the cookbook can also be previewed online. Contributors included the College's Home Economics Department, students, alumnae, and friends. Recipes were typed or handwritten by the contributor, and most are signed. The cookbook is not only a collection of recipes, but an interesting piece of women's history. This will be added to our institutional repository soon, and you are welcome to stop by the Archives and view our copy.
To learn more about the archives and special collections, visit the archives website. To conduct research in the Archives and Special Collections, please contact Julie Swierczek at 401-341-2276 or at julie.swierczek@salve.edu. To see news and updates, you can follow the Archives and Special Collections Facebook page.
Don't forget when you are cleaning out your filing cabinets and hard drives that the Archives accepts both print and digital records. Information on transferring records is available online, but Julie would be happy to help in the process in any way she can, so please contact her.