Change, change, change!
First the HELIN consortium has changed its membership. Brown University, the University of Rhode Island, and Bryant University have departed from the consortium. Visiting and borrowing from the three libraries are still possible and will be discussed in greater detail further down in this newsletter. The library has updated the technology in the Munroe Special Collection, in study room 217, and the electronic classroom. A new study room was added on the third floor, study room 304, and the acting director’s office was moved to room 112 on the first floor. The university has added more services to the McKillop building making it more convenient for all and furthering the concept of the “Learning Commons.”
Dawn Emsellem Wischowski was promoted to assistant director of research and instruction and has prepared some exciting opportunities for library instruction in your classes. The First-Year Transitions (FYT) classes will be incorporating an introduction to library services component this fall. The first year university seminars (UNV 101 and UNV 102) will include an information literacy student learning outcome and has incorporated a support system of librarians partnering with seminar faculty. Please contact Dawn or your liaison, if you wish to discuss including instruction into your classes.
Lastly, the library wishes to introduce the personal librarian for the Class of 2019, Kristin (Kiki) Butler, who is working with the class Dean and the Center for Student Development to support the informational needs of the students during their four years here at Salve. Kiki as special programs librarian has also prepared an exciting series of events that we hope you will participate in.
First Year Students Do the McKillop Maneuver
This fall McKillop Library has organized a building wide activity to introduce the building to new students. All freshman FYT courses will spend one class becoming acquainted with the services that McKillop Library, Academic Center for Excellence, The Helpdesk, and User Support Services offer to aid them academically. Students will use a series of short videos featuring Sammy the Seahawk to navigate the building making stops at stations where they will either have a task to complete or receive a handout.
Personal Librarian Class of 2019
Hello, I am Kiki Butler, special programs librarian. This year I also have the privilege of being the personal librarian for the class of 2019. The position means that I am here to help freshmen as they adjust to college level research and expectations. Students may feel free to contact me for any library or research related assistance, from in-depth research consultations to how to locate a book. Please feel free to give any of your freshman students my information.
Kiki Butler
Office McKillop 129
(401) 341-2957
Changes in the Janet L. Robinson Curriculum Resources Library
Over the summer, the library staff was busy rearranging the Curriculum Resource Library. Wanting to take advantage of the light and beauty of the atrium, the staff moved the book stacks away from this area and replaced it with tables. The revamping of this space has created smaller working areas for studying and group work. We hope everyone enjoys the newly designed space.
New Rules for Visiting Brown, URI, and Bryant Libraries
Brown, URI, and Bryant Libraries are no longer members of the HELIN consortium. With their departure, there are a few new things to know about how to get materials from and do research at these locations.
The materials from these libraries are no longer in the HELIN catalog. Online borrowing for items will need to be done through interlibrary loan. See our interlibrary loan page for details.
Visiting libraries and borrowing
Brown University Libraries Current faculty, staff and students of HELIN libraries may apply for access to the Brown libraries. Interested persons should go first to the Rockefeller library to obtain an access only card, good for one year. There is no charge for this. Please bring your Salve ID card.
Current faculty at HELIN institutions may obtain onsite borrowing privileges without charge. Interested persons should first obtain an access card. Borrowing services for HELIN faculty will be good for one year but may be renewed.
Current students and staff of HELIN institutions may purchase a borrowing card for onsite borrowing privileges. The cost is currently $400 for one year.
Bryant University Library Visiting at Bryant for faculty, staff and students will be available for those that can present a valid ID card from their institution. Borrowing at Bryant for faculty, staff and students will be available for those that can present a valid ID card from their institution. Borrowers will need to register with the circulation desk.
University of Rhode Island Libraries Visiting at URI for faculty, staff and students will be available for those that can present a valid ID card from their institution. Borrowing at URI for faculty, staff and students will be available for those that can present a valid ID card from their institution. Borrowers will need to register with the circulation desk.
New Nursing Databases
In conjunction with the Nursing Department, McKillop Library now has access to two new databases for nursing research, CINAHL Complete and Nursing Reference Center. CINAHL Complete provides access to 1,400 full-text nursing journals which can be searched by topic to locate scholarly articles. CINAHL Complete also includes a collection of evidence-based care sheets and a range of “quick lessons” which provide overviews of diseases and conditions. Nursing Reference Center includes a large variety of reference information such as drug facts, explanations of skills and procedures, patient education sheets, practice resources, and continuing education sources.
All new databases...

Dr. Anthony Mangieri
Rich Clothes and Handsome Heroes on an Ancient Greek Vase
October 8, 2015
Drs. Thomas Arruda, Arlene Nicholas, & John Lewis
Panel Discussion on Open Education Resources
In celebration of Open Access Week
October 22, 2015
Dr. Scott Zeman
Program to be announced
November 12, 2015
More information ...
Archives Month
Each October, the Society of American Archivists hosts American Archives Month to increase the visibility of and participation in archives across the country. If you’re interested in archives, or are just curious what an archivist does from day to day, this month is a great time to get involved.
Banned Books Week

The library celebrated the freedom to read! During Banned Books Week (Monday, September 28th through Thursday, October 1st), faculty members from disciplines across campus brought their class to the library to discuss the impact of censorship and intellectual freedom in their fields. On October 1st from 4-7pm, the salve community gathered for food and drink while participating in or listening to the Banned Books Week Read-Out. Members of the university community read passages from their favorite banned books or performed a scene from their favorite banned play. Also performing were members of Salve Regina’s dance department.

Beth Blycker-Koll
The library would like to welcome Beth Blycker-Koll as our evening circulation supervisor. Beth is a Salve alumna ’13 and will be overseeing gift books and assisting with interlibrary loan.
Beth Blycker-Koll
Office McKillop 103
(401) 341-2278

Dawn Emsellem Wichowski
Congratulations to Dawn Emsellem Wichowski who has been promoted to assistant director of research and instruction services.
Dawn Emsellem Wichowski
Office McKillop 130
(401) 341-2336